Our Cayman Island Vacation
April 16- April 25, 2004


While in the Cayman's, we went on a hike on one of the local trails. It was an Earth Day event and we got our picture in the local paper - click < here > to see the picture & article.

to see some shots taken while Reid was snorkeling - click < here >

For more Cayman Islands information, visit the Cayman Wildlife Connection web site.

Lois and Jim Blumenthal made us feel so welcome, shared their home and wonderful family with us and showed us what life on Grand Cayman is REALLY like.


.....is responsible for bat houses all over the Island. Lois and her work on the Caymans is featured inIn the _____ issue of Bat ______
Made by inmates in the prison and mounted on poles by the utility company, they are almost all inhabited.

This particular house is in the Blumenthal's back yard. We counted a bit over 300 bats emerging one evening.

Not JUST a bat loving family. the Blumenthals have built lizard palaces for the endemic ________ lizards.



We paid a visit to the pig farm (yes, there were big porkers with adorable babies) so that we could see the whistling ducks.
The ducks has disappeared from the Island but ended up coming to the pig farm. The farmer feeds them and has some ponds to attract them so they will return.
One of them many butterfly gardens on Grand Cayman that Lois's associate, Ann ________ is responsible for planting.


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