
12/23/02 - 11/11/10

We adopted our German Shepherd Duke on July 5, 2003.

When Maxxie died, our hearts were broken and we decided that we "needed" another German Shepherd to protect our pack.

After an appropriate mourning period, we contacted German Shepherd Rescue of Northern California. Shortly thereafter we were told that a 6-7 month old pup had just come into rescue. He needed to spend at least 2 weeks in foster care and needed treatment for kennel cough. That worked just fine for us, we went to meet him and fell in love at first sight. As soon as he was okay, he came to stay with us.

It wasn't real easy at first, since the dog that was supposed to be afraid of cats was most assuredly NOT, and chased not only the cats, but poor little Tee as well. After 5 days of nothing but dog socialization and training, Duke became much calmer and Tee's feet hit the ground again.

Dukie knew he belonged here right away and is learning commands so fast we can hardly keep up with him.


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