"Remember, people will judge you by your actions, not your intentions. You may have a heart of gold - but so does a hard-boiled egg." Anonymous




Baby Allens Hummingbirds


After my husband, our adorable dogs, cats, domestic bird babies (see our pet gallery) and our wonderful home, the love of my life is wildlife rehabilitation. Since 1989 I have been a volunteer at the Lindsay Wildlife Museum. I specialize in raising orphaned Bats and Hummingbirds. I also care for injured Bats and Hummers and a variety of other birds and animals. We almost always have a Museum Animal in residence.

For more information on the Lindsay Wildlife Museum and volunteer opportunities, check out the Museum web site.

Young Annas Hummingbird Feeding


"What you keep to yourself you lose, what you give away, you keep forever." Axel Munthe


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