Day1 - 1stContact

Male, born 11.28.2010 - 08.20.21 - RIP
arrived home 01.22.2011


1 day old
one day old...
Day1 - 1stContact
Home for about 5 minutes - first contact...
Day1 - 3
meeting both brothers
Day1 - 4
just lounging...
Day1 - 7
nice floor
Day1 - 6
what else ya got??
Day1 - 9
first home cooked meal with the family...
Day2 - 1
Day 2 - fell asleep in the sweet smelling things...
Day1 -1
still here........
Day2 - 3
nice chin-rest...
Day2 - 4
just another nap - on day2....
3rd day....
Day2 - 4
Chill-n with my bro - 01.28.11
Day2 - 4
just working on the ranch.... 01.29.11
Day2 - 4
see how much I've grown - click < here >
Day2 - 4
I can see you out there... 01.29.11
01.31.11 - a little over 1 week in my new home and I'm 9 weeks + 2 days old
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3 Months Old (pictures taken 02.19.11)
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So far, he has not ventured down to the creek - just kind'a checked it out from afar
Day2 - 4
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My First Snow Day - end of February 2011
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March 11, 2011
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Day2 - 4
my bed's shrinking....
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March 25, 2011 - In my new home for 2 months tosay
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May 2011
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Day2 - 4
see how much I've grown - click < here >
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May 28, 2011 - 6 months old today...
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June 29. 2011 - Plant - what plant, looks like a nice bed to me....
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August 20. 2011 - Beach in Waldport....
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....right bfore he jumped on me.....
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Young till now - 10.15.11
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01.29.11 05.06.11 10.15.11
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Snow Jan. 2012
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Another Snow Day - 03.21.12 - 2nd day of spring, ya right.....
can you tell, I like snow!
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Fall 2012 - 11.06.12
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New Year Winter Walk (01.01.16)
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Under the Table - all-time favorite place to lay...
Day2 - 4
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Home Lisa Reid Family Pets