Chicken Pot Pie



  1. 1 ½ cup cooked chicken (about)
  2. Top and bottom piecrust package
  3. Package of frozen vegetables (no lima beans – yuck)
  4. 1 11oz can corn
  5. 1 can condensed cream of chicken soup
  6. 2 pads of butter
  7. pepper (3 shakes of shaker)


Preheat oven to 400.

Method 1: Line bottom of (GREASED with pam) 9-inch pie plate with piecrust.

Method 2: Line bottom of (GREASED with pam) 3 small 6” dishes with pie crust, cutting off the excise - save for top.

Mix chicken, frozen vegies, corn, pepper and can of soup together. Pour into pie pan or dishes. Put in a couple pads of butter on top. Cover with piecrust and crimp edge – if using the 3 dish, use the excise crust for the top using a rolling to get the right size.

Put in oven and bake for 30 to 45 minutes (or until top crust is a nice golden brown). Remove from oven and let sit for a couple minutes. Turn upside down over serving dish to pop out pie and serve.

(the image above is made using the 3 small 6” dishes which uses about 3 pie crusts – we usually eat one and freeze 2 uncooked)



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