Reid’s Hand-Spanked Burgers



  • 1 lb good quality ground round (hamburger)
  • 2 TBS your favorite BBQ Sause
  • 5 shakes of pepper
  • 5 shakes of garlic power
  • 4 to 8 slices of shard cheddar cheese (optional)
  • 1 shake of salt
  • 1 tsp of minced dried onions (optional – if you really like onions and don’t be afraid to add onion slices on your burger)


  1. Put the ground round (hamburger meat) in a bowl
  2. Add BBQ sauce, garlic powder pepper and salt.
  3. Make into 4 patties (about 5 to 6” in diameter and about a 1/2” thick). A pound of hamburger meat should make 4 patties (about 1/4 pound each).
  4. Have the grill nice and hot - put patties on HOT grill and cook for 2 minutes. turn over (should be nice and brown)
  5. Add a piece of cheese (or 2) Cook for an additional 2 minutes.
  6. Don’t over cook or they will be dry - and there is nothing worse then a dry patty - you want them nice a moist….

(coals and grill should both be real hot)


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